Real bid coin Exchange. Real bid coin is a digital currency, which can be owned through "mining".This digital currency is issued by REAL DIGITAL SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. based at Hyderabad. This can be used for buying/selling of Commodities in selected merchandise.
This currency can be transacted in digital form in a matter of seconds.
As the number of participants in the mining process increases, the value of RBC will also increase.
As the number of participants in the mining process increases, the value of RBC will also increase.
This currency can be transacted in digital form in a matter of seconds.
The company allocates 10% of the profits from the mining process to RBC on a daily basis.
1 . RBC is an innovative & new kind of money. RBC (Digital Money, Electronic Money or Electronic currency) is a currency available digitally. (As an equivalent to the current paper currencies).
2 . RBC has properties similar to paper currencies. RBC is instantaneously transactable and easily amenable to limitless transfer.